Digital Air Fryer - Roasted Tomatoes

Admin Baumann •
Digital Air Fryer - Roasted Tomatoes

Roasted Tomatoes

Cook: 20 minutes Temp: 160 ̊C


2 tomatoes Parsley to taste Oregano to taste Basil to taste Thyme to taste Rosemary to taste
Sage to taste
Black pepper to taste
Non-stick cooking spray
1⁄2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil



  1. Press “TEMP”, set temperature at 160 ̊C and press “ON/OFF ”, then the fryer will enter preheating.

  2. Wash tomatoes and cut in half.

  3. Once ready, spray bottoms of tomato halves with non-stick spray and place tomatoes in Fry Pan Basket.

  1. Drizzle olive oil onto tomatoes and top with seasonings and set cooking time at 20 minutes. Press “ON/OFF”.

  2. Check for doneness and cook for additional 3-5 minutes if needed.

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